The Australian National Dictionary beta

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Abbott’s booby n. [From the name of W.L. Abbott (1860–1936), US naturalist, who collected the type specimen on Assumption Island in 1892.] A large sea bird, Papasula abbotti (formerly Sula abbotti), that now breeds only on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean.

1910 F. Wood-Jones Corals & Atolls 300, I met with no further regard for my presence on the part of the birds than the very solemn vomiting of large quantities of fish by the big Abbott's booby when it was pushed from its solitary egg.   1964 A.L. Thomson New Dict. Birds 331 Abbott’s Booby is a tree-nester.   1983 P. Harrison Seabirds 290 Abbott’s Booby Sula abbotti… Confined to Christmas I., Indian Ocean, where 2,000-3,000 pairs breed.   1997 Reader's Digest Encycl. Austral. Wildlife 144 Abbott's booby is sometimes called the forest booby because—unusually for a sea bird—it nests in rainforest.   2010 Canberra Times 25 Sept. (Panorama Suppl.) 54/1, I spent a whole week tripping over thousands of red crabs while looking for an Abbott's booby in the rainforest canopy.