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yabbering n. [From yabber v.] Talking; conversing. Also as ppl. adj.

1839 M. Cannon Hist. Rec. Vic. IIB 562 He threw his wonguim and a yabbering commenced.   1847 Maitland Mercury 16 Oct. 2/5 When  ..  within a few rods’ distance of Five Dock, such a piercing cry of misery was raised, that Captain Morris at once stopped the steamer; and no sooner was this done than there was a tremendous ‘yabbering’ heard, the only distinguishable sounds amongst which however were ‘Missa Boyd’.   1857 Bendigo Advertiser 29 July 3/4 After the noise, we observed a Chinaman drop, and another abscond, and then a hurrying to and fro, and yabbering among the Celestial population.   1864 Port Denison Times 20 Aug. 2/3 After much ‘yabbering’, the mover rises to propose the motion.   1879 ‘Australian’ Adventures Qld. 38, I say Bony, what did you do down in the scrub? I heard a good deal of yabbering.   1900 T. Major Leaves from Squatter’s Note Bk. 51 We distinctly heard the yabbering of many blacks.   1911 A. Searcy By Flood & Field 265, I heard the loud yabbering and laughing of blacks.   1922 Western Champion (Barcaldine) 24 June 18/2 Charlie Sue was charged with sly grog selling. Charlie asked for an interpreter, and a great deal of yabbering took place between the two.   1939 Townsville Daily Bull. 12 May 5/4 It there's one thing more than any thing else that gives me the woozies  ..  it is to be in a place where I cannot avoid hearing the yabbering of a young couple suffering from a severe attack of loveitis.   1944 Albany Advertiser 23 Nov. 3/1 The intelligent white man, scientific and civilised, laughs at the credulity of the Northern native. He knows that more action and less ‘yabbering’ would be far more effective in increasing the food supplies than all the ‘Muraian’ ceremonies.   1960 J. Wynnum Pinch of Salt (1963) 24 That seemed to do the trick—the yabbering ceased.   1968 D. O’Grady Bottle of Sandwiches 211 Eventually we ignored the yabbering, jabbering and pointing people.   1999 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 5 Oct. 24/9 After some yabbering about money, Tom dismissed Roseanne's accusations with: ‘I don't know what kind of people you've got working you over.’   2001 B. Matthews As the Story Goes 25 The mobile is profligate: talk on, it seems to say, articulate, verbalise. Yet there are some yabberings it won't tolerate.   2013 Sydney Morning Herald 18 Oct. 19/5, I don’t want to hear their loud yabbering.