The Australian National Dictionary beta

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tabaret /′tæbəreɪ/ n. Vic. [From TAB + (cab)aret.] A gaming and entertainment centre.

1987 Sun (Melbourne) 11 June 7/2 The Premier denied suggestions the Tabaret was nothing more than a ‘Claytons casino’.   1988 Age (Melbourne) 4 Oct. 33/2 Menzies at Rialto, soon to be the site of Victoria's first Tabaret, will also become a showcase for the finest Australian food and modern Australian cuisine if Karam Sahely has his way.   1997 Austral. (Sydney) 22 Aug. 44/5 In the 80s the Cain government thought it would be a fine site for a $30 million Tabaret, a vast TAB-run catacomb of electronic gaming machines, video games, bars and restaurants.   2005 Age (Melbourne) 19 Nov. (A2 Suppl.) 12/2 It would be exceedingly unwise to say ‘I'd like to make plenty of money so, rather than working hard as an investment banker, I'm off down to the Tabaret’.